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28 February 2017

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 96 in Stretch cycle

Here's what happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday February 19 and Saturday February 25 2017: Reproducible work in other projects Upcoming Events Introduction to Reproducible Builds will be presented by Vagrant Cascadian at Scale15x in Pasadena, California, March 5th. On March 23rd Holger Levsen will give a talk at the German Unix User Group's "Fr hjahrsfachgespr ch" about Reproducible Builds everywhere. Verifying Software Freedom with Reproducible Builds will be presented by Vagrant Cascadian at Libreplanet2017 in Boston, March 25th-26th. Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed Chris Lamb: Reviews of unreproducible packages 9 package reviews have been added, 3 have been updated and 1 has been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, the following FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: diffoscope development diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues. development is our experiment into how to process, store and distribute .buildinfo files after the Debian archive software has processed them. Website development Misc. This week's edition was written by Chris Lamb, Ed Maste & Levsen and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.

10 January 2017

Vincent Fourmond: Version 2.1 of QSoas is out

I have just released QSoas version 2.1. It brings in a new solve command to solve arbitrary non-linear equations of one unknown. I took advantage of this command in the figure to solve the equation for . It also provides a new way to reparametrize fits using the reparametrize-fit command, a new series of fits to model the behaviour of an adsorbed 1- or 2-electrons catalyst on an electrode (these fits are discussed in great details in our recent review (DOI: 10.1016/j.coelec.2016.11.002), improvements in various commands, the possibility to now compile using Ruby 2.3 and the most recent version of the GSL library, and sketches for an emacs major mode, which you can activate (for QSoas script files, ending in .cmds) using the following snippet in $HOME/.emacs:

(autoload 'qsoas-mode "$HOME/Prog/QSoas/misc/qsoas-mode.el" nil t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cmds$" . qsoas-mode))

Of course, you'll have to adapt the path $HOME/Prog/QSoas/misc/qsoas-mode.el to the actual location of qsoas-mode.el.As before, you can download the source code from our website, and purchase the pre-built binaries following the links from that page too. Enjoy !

5 October 2016

Gustavo Noronha Silva: Web Engines Hackfest 2016!

I had a great time last week and the web engines hackfest! It was the 7th web hackfest hosted by Igalia and the 7th hackfest I attended. I m almost a local Galician already. Brazilian Portuguese being so close to Galician certainly helps! Collabora co-sponsored the event and it was great that two colleagues of mine managed to join me in attendance. It had great talks that will eventually end up in videos uploaded to the web site. We were amazed at the progress being made to Servo, including some performance results that blew our minds. We also discussed the next steps for WebKitGTK+, WebKit for Wayland (or WPE), our own Clutter wrapper to WebKitGTK+ which is used for the Apertis project, and much more.
Zan giving his talk on WPE (former WebKitForWayland)Zan giving his talk on WPE (former WebKitForWayland)
One thing that drew my attention was how many Dell laptops there were. Many collaborans (myself included) and igalians are now using Dells, it seems. Sure, there were thinkpads and macbooks, but there was plenty of inspirons and xpses as well. It s interesting how the brand make up shifted over the years since 2009, when the hackfest could easily be mistaken with a thinkpad shop. Back to the actual hackfest: with the recent release of Gnome 3.22 (and Fedora 25 nearing release), my main focus was on dealing with some regressions suffered by users experienced after a change that made putting the final rendering composited by the nested Wayland compositor we have inside WebKitGTK+ to the GTK+ widget so it is shown on the screen. One of the main problems people reported was applications that use WebKitGTK+ not showing anything where the content was supposed to appear. It turns out the problem was caused by GTK+ not being able to create a GL context. If the system was simply not able to use GL there would be no problem: WebKit would then just disable accelerated compositing and things would work, albeit slower. The problem was WebKit being able to use an older GL version than the minimum required by GTK+. We fixed it by testing that GTK+ is able to create GL contexts before using the fast path, falling back to the slow glReadPixels codepath if not. This way we keep accelerated compositing working inside WebKit, which gives us nice 3D transforms and less repainting, but take the performance hit in the final blit .
Introducing "WebKitClutterGTK+"Introducing WebKitClutterGTK+
Another issue we hit was GTK+ not properly updating its knowledge of the window s opaque region when painting a frame with GL, which led to some really interesting issues like a shadow appearing when you tried to shrink the window. There was also an issue where the window would not use all of the screen when fullscreen which was likely related. Both were fixed. Andr Magalh es also worked on a couple of patches we wrote for customer projects and are now pushing upstream. One enables the use of more than one frontend to connect to a remote web inspector server at once. This can be used to, for instance, show the regular web inspector on a browser window and also use IDE integration for setting breakpoints and so on. The other patch was cooked by Philip Withnall and helped us deal with some performance bottlenecks we were hitting. It improves the performance of painting scroll bars. WebKitGTK+ does its own painting of scrollbars (we do not use the GTK+ widgets for various reasons). It turns out painting scrollbars can be quite a hit when the page is being scrolled fast, if not done efficiently. Emanuele Aina had a great time learning more about meson to figure out a build issue we had when a more recent GStreamer was added to our jhbuild environment. He came out of the experience rather sane, which makes me think meson might indeed be much better than autotools.
Igalia 15 years cakeIgalia 15 years cake
It was a great hackfest, great seeing everyone face to face. We were happy to celebrate Igalia s 15 years with them. Hope to see everyone again next year =)

12 August 2016

Markus Koschany: My Free Software Activities in July 2016

Welcome to Here is my monthly report that covers what I have been doing for Debian. Debian Android Debian Games Debian Java Debian LTS This was my sixth month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 14,7 hours on Debian LTS. In that time I did the following: Misc and QA

1 August 2016

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in July 2016

Here is my monthly update covering a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):

  • Created a proof-of-concept wrapper for pymysql to reduce the diff between Ubuntu and Debian's packaging of python-django. (tree)
  • Improved the NEW queue HTML report to display absolute timestamps when placing the cursor over relative times as well as to tidy the underlying HTML generation.
  • Tidied and pushed for the adoption of a patch against dak to also send mails to the signer of an uploaded package on security-master. (#796784)


This month I have been paid to work 14 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • "Frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Improved the bin/ script to ignore packages that have been marked as unsupported.
  • Improved the bin/contact-maintainers script to print a nicer error message if you mistype the package name.
  • Issued the following advisories:
    • DLA 541-1 for libvirt making the password policy consistent across the QEMU and VNC backends with respect to empty passwords.
    • DLA 574-1 for graphicsmagick fixing two denial-of-service vulnerabilities.
    • DLA 548-1 and DLA 550-1 for drupal7 fixing an open HTTP redirect vulnerability and a privilege escalation issue respectfully.
    • DLA 557-1 for dietlibc removing the current directory from the current path.
    • DLA 577-1 for redis preventing the redis-cli tool creating world-readable history files.

  • redis:
    • 3.2.1-2 Avoiding race conditions in upstream test suite.
    • 3.2.1-3 Correcting world_readable ~/.rediscli_history files.
    • 3.2.1-4 Preventing a race condition in the previous upload's patch.
    • 3.2.2-1 New upstream release.
    • 3.2.1-4~bpo8+1 Backport to jessie-backports.
  • strip-nondeterminism:
    • 0.020-1 Improved the PNG handler to not blindly trust chunk sizes, rewriting most of the existing code.
    • 0.021-1 Correcting a regression in the PNG handler where it would leave temporary files in the generated binaries.
    • 0.022-1 Correcting a further regression in the PNG handler with respect to IEND chunk detection.
  • python-redis (2.10.5-1~bpo8+1) Backport to jessie-backports.
  • reprotest (0.2) Sponsored upload.

Patches contributed

I submitted patches to fix faulty initscripts in lm-sensors, rsync, sane-backends & vsftpd.

In addition, I submitted 7 patches to fix typos in debian/rules against cme:, gnugk: incorrect reference to dh_install_init, php-sql-formatter, python-django-crispy-forms, libhook-lexwrap-perl, mknbi & ruby-unf-ext.

I also submitted 6 patches to fix reproducible toolchain issues (ie. ensuring the output is reproducible rather than the package itself) against libextutils-parsexs-perl: Please make the output reproducible, perl, naturaldocs, python-docutils, ruby-ronn & txt2tags.

Lastly, I submitted 65 patches to fix specific reproducibility issues in amanda, boolector, borgbackup, cc1111, cfingerd, check-all-the-things, cobbler, ctop, cvs2svn, eb, eurephia, ezstream, feh, fonts-noto, fspy, ftplib, fvwm, gearmand, gngb, golang-github-miekg-pkcs11, gpick, gretl, hibernate, hmmer, hocr, idjc, ifmail, ironic, irsim, lacheck, libmemcached-libmemcached-perl, libmongoc, libwebsockets, minidlna, mknbi, nbc, neat, nfstrace, nmh, ntopng, pagekite, pavuk, proftpd-dfsg, pxlib, pysal, python-kinterbasdb, python-mkdocs, sa-exim, speech-tools, stressapptest, tcpflow, tcpreen, ui-auto, uisp, uswsusp, vtun, vtwm, why3, wit, wordgrinder, xloadimage, xmlcopyeditor, xorp, xserver-xorg-video-openchrome & yersinia.

RC bugs

I also filed 68 RC bugs for packages that access the internet during build against betamax, curl, django-localflavor, django-polymorphic, dnspython, docker-registry, elasticsearch-curator, elib.intl, elib.intl, elib.intl, fabulous, flask-restful, flask-restful, flask-restful, foolscap, gnucash-docs, golang-github-azure-go-autorest, golang-github-fluent-fluent-logger-golang, golang-github-franela-goreq, golang-github-mesos-mesos-go, golang-github-shopify-sarama, golang-github-unknwon-com, golang-github-xeipuuv-gojsonschema, htsjdk, lemonldap-ng, libanyevent-http-perl, libcommons-codec-java, libfurl-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libhttp-async-perl, libhttp-oai-perl, libhttp-proxy-perl, libpoe-component-client-http-perl, libuv, libuv1, licenseutils, licenseutils, licenseutils, musicbrainzngs, node-oauth, node-redis, nodejs, pycurl, pytest, python-aiohttp, python-asyncssh, python-future, python-guacamole, python-latexcodec, python-pysnmp4, python-qtawesome, python-simpy, python-social-auth, python-structlog, python-sunlight, python-webob, python-werkzeug, python-ws4py, testpath, traitlets, urlgrabber, varnish-modules, webtest & zurl.

Finally, I filed 100 FTBFS bugs against abind, backup-manager, boot, bzr-git, cfengine3, chron, cloud-sptheme, cookiecutter, date, django-uwsgi, djangorestframework, docker-swarm, ekg2, evil-el, fasianoptions, fassets, fastinfoset, fest-assert, fimport, ftrading, gdnsd, ghc-testsuite, golang-github-magiconair-properties, golang-github-mattn-go-shellwords, golang-github-mitchellh-go-homedir, gplots, gregmisc, highlight.js, influxdb, jersey1, jflex, jhdf, kimwitu, libapache-htpasswd-perl, libconfig-model-itself-perl, libhtml-tidy-perl, liblinux-prctl-perl, libmoox-options-perl, libmousex-getopt-perl, libparanamer-java, librevenge, libvirt-python, license-reconcile, louie, mako, mate-indicator-applet, maven-compiler-plugin, mgt, mgt, mgt, misc3d, mnormt, nbd, ngetty, node-xmpp, nomad, perforate, pyoperators, pyqi, python-activipy, python-bioblend, python-cement, python-gevent, python-pydot-ng, python-requests-toolbelt, python-ruffus, python-scrapy, r-cran-digest, r-cran-getopt, r-cran-lpsolve, r-cran-rms, r-cran-timedate, resteasy, ruby-berkshelf-api-client, ruby-fog-libvirt, ruby-grape-msgpack, ruby-jquery-rails, ruby-kramdown-rfc2629, ruby-moneta, ruby-parser, ruby-puppet-forge, ruby-rbvmomi, ruby-redis-actionpack, ruby-unindent, ruby-web-console, scalapack-doc, scannotation, snow, sorl-thumbnail, svgwrite, systemd-docker, tiles-request, torcs, utf8proc, vagrant-libvirt, voms-api-java, wcwidth, xdffileio, xmlgraphics-commons & yorick.

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 114 packages: apertium-isl-eng, apertium-mk-bg, apertium-urd-hin, apprecommender, auto-apt-proxy, beast-mcmc, caffe, caffe-contrib, debian-edu, dh-make-perl, django-notification, dpkg-cross, elisp-slime-nav, evil-el, fig2dev, file, flightgear-phi, friendly-recovery, fwupd, gcc-5-cross, gdbm, gnustep-gui, golang-github-cznic-lldb, golang-github-dghubble-sling, golang-github-docker-leadership, golang-github-rogpeppe-fastuuid, golang-github-skarademir-naturalsort, golang-glide, gtk+2.0, gtranscribe, kdepim4, kitchen, lepton, libcgi-github-webhook-perl, libcypher-parser, libimporter-perl, liblist-someutils-perl, liblouis, liblouisutdml, libneo4j-client, libosinfo, libsys-cpuaffinity-perl, libtest2-suite-perl, linux, linux-grsec, lua-basexx, lua-compat53, lua-fifo, lua-http, lua-lpeg-patterns, lua-mmdb, lua-openssl, mash, mysql-5.7, node-quickselect, nsntrace, nvidia-graphics-drivers, nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-304xx, nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx, openorienteering-mapper, oslo-sphinx, p4est, patator, petsc, php-mailparse, php-yaml, pykdtree, pypass, python-bioblend, python-cotyledon, python-jack-client, python-mido, python-openid-cla, python-os-api-ref, python-pydotplus, python-qtconsole, python-repoze.sphinx.autointerface, python-vispy, python-zenoss, r-cran-bbmle, r-cran-corpcor, r-cran-ellipse, r-cran-minpack.lm, r-cran-rglwidget, r-cran-rngtools, r-cran-scatterd3, r-cran-shinybs, r-cran-tibble, reproject, retext, ring, ruby-github-api, ruby-rails-assets-jquery-ui, ruby-swd, ruby-url-safe-base64, ruby-vmstat, ruby-webfinger, rustc, shadowsocks-libev, slepc, staticsite, steam, straight.plugin, svgwrite, tasksh, u-msgpack-python, ufo2otf, user-mode-linux, utf8proc, vizigrep, volk, wchartype, websockify & wireguard.

31 May 2016

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in May 2016

Here is my monthly update covering a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):
Debian My work in the Reproducible Builds project was covered in our weekly reports. (#53, #54, #55, #56 & #57)
Debian LTS

This month I have been paid to work 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • A week of "frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, assigning tasks, etc.
  • Issued DLA 464-1 for libav, a multimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder library that fixed a use-after free vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 469-1 for libgwenhywfar (an OS abstraction layer that allows porting of software to different operating systems like Linux, *BSD, Windows, etc.) correcting the use of an outdated CA certificate bundle.
  • Issued DLA 470-1 for libksba, a X.509 and CMS certificate support library. patching a buffer vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 474-1 for dosfstools, a collection of utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems, fixing an invalid memory and heap overflow vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 482-1 for libgd2 graphics library, rectifying a stack consumption vulnerability.

  • python-django (1.9.6-1) New upstream bugfix release.
  • redis (3.2.0-1, etc.) New upstream release, correct build on more exotic architectures and minor packaging fixups.
  • gunicorn (19.5.0-1 & 19.6.0-1) New upstream releases and minor packaging fixups.

9 May 2016

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: Talk about contributing to FLOSS

The 26th of April I gave a talk in the University of Seville (ETSII) about contributing to FLOS software, focusing in the main projects I contribute to: Debian and Netfilter.

The talk was hosted by SUGUS, which is the university local group of FLOSS users.
The public were other students of the university, all of them young (like me), so the talk was very relaxed and formalities-free :-)

I talked my experiences in contributing to FLOSS, type of projects, how to start and how I integrate this with my full-time job.

Here is a video recording of the talk (in spanish):

I gave a similar talk some months ago to the students of the IES Gonzalo Nazareno.

1 April 2016

Francois Marier: How Safe Browsing works in Firefox

Firefox has had support for Google's Safe Browsing since 2005 when it started as a stand-alone Firefox extension. At first it was only available in the USA, but it was opened up to the rest of the world in 2006 and moved to the Google Toolbar. It then got integrated directly into Firefox 2.0 before the public launch of the service in 2007. Many people seem confused by this phishing and malware protection system and while there is a pretty good explanation of how it works on our support site, it doesn't go into technical details. This will hopefully be of interest to those who have more questions about it.

Browsing Protection The main part of the Safe Browsing system is the one that watches for bad URLs as you're browsing. Browsing protection currently protects users from: If a Firefox user attempts to visit one of these sites, a warning page will show up instead, which you can see for yourself here: The first two warnings can be toggled using the browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled preference (in about:config) whereas the last one is controlled by browser.safebrowsing.enabled.

List updates It would be too slow (and privacy-invasive) to contact a trusted server every time the browser wants to establish a connection with a web server. Instead, Firefox downloads a list of bad URLs every 30 minutes from the server ( and does a lookup against its local database before displaying a page to the user. Downloading the entire list of sites flagged by Safe Browsing would be impractical due to its size so the following transformations are applied:
  1. each URL on the list is canonicalized,
  2. then hashed,
  3. of which only the first 32 bits of the hash are kept.
The lists that are requested from the Safe Browsing server and used to flag pages as malware/unwanted or phishing can be found in urlclassifier.malwareTable and urlclassifier.phishTable respectively. If you want to see some debugging information in your terminal while Firefox is downloading updated lists, turn on browser.safebrowsing.debug. Once downloaded, the lists can be found in the cache directory:
  • ~/.cache/mozilla/firefox/XXXX/safebrowsing/ on Linux
  • ~/Library/Caches/Firefox/Profiles/XXXX/safebrowsing/ on Mac
  • C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Local\mozilla\firefox\profiles\XXXX\safebrowsing\ on Windows

Resolving partial hash conflicts Because the Safe Browsing database only contains partial hashes, it is possible for a safe page to share the same 32-bit hash prefix as a bad page. Therefore when a URL matches the local list, the browser needs to know whether or not the rest of the hash matches the entry on the Safe Browsing list. In order resolve such conflicts, Firefox requests from the Safe Browsing server (browser.safebrowsing.provider.mozilla.gethashURL) all of the hashes that start with the affected 32-bit prefix and adds these full-length hashes to its local database. Turn on browser.safebrowsing.debug to see some debugging information on the terminal while these "completion" requests are made. If the current URL doesn't match any of these full hashes, the load proceeds as normal. If it does match one of them, a warning interstitial page is shown and the load is canceled.

Download Protection The second part of the Safe Browsing system protects users against malicious downloads. It was launched in 2011, implemented in Firefox 31 on Windows and enabled in Firefox 39 on Mac and Linux. It roughly works like this:
  1. Download the file.
  2. Check the main URL, referrer and redirect chain against a local blocklist (urlclassifier.downloadBlockTable) and block the download in case of a match.
  3. On Windows, if the binary is signed, check the signature against a local whitelist (urlclassifier.downloadAllowTable) of known good publishers and release the download if a match is found.
  4. If the file is not a binary file then release the download.
  5. Otherwise, send the binary file's metadata to the remote application reputation server (browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.url) and block the download if the server indicates that the file isn't safe.
Blocked downloads can be unblocked by right-clicking on them in the download manager and selecting "Unblock". While the download protection feature is automatically disabled when malware protection (browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled) is turned off, it can also be disabled independently via the browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled preference. Note that Step 5 is the only point at which any information about the download is shared with Google. That remote lookup can be suppressed via the browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.enabled preference for those users concerned about sending that metadata to a third party.

Types of malware The original application reputation service would protect users against "dangerous" downloads, but it has recently been expanded to also warn users about unwanted software as well as software that's not commonly downloaded. These various warnings can be turned on and off in Firefox through the following preferences:
  • browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_dangerous
  • browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_dangerous_host
  • browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_potentially_unwanted
  • browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.block_uncommon
and tested using Google's test page. If you want to see how often each "verdict" is returned by the server, you can have a look at the telemetry results for Firefox Beta.

Privacy One of the most persistent misunderstandings about Safe Browsing is the idea that the browser needs to send all visited URLs to Google in order to verify whether or not they are safe. While this was an option in version 1 of the Safe Browsing protocol (as disclosed in their privacy policy at the time), support for this "enhanced mode" was removed in Firefox 3 and the version 1 server was decommissioned in late 2011 in favor of version 2 of the Safe Browsing API which doesn't offer this type of real-time lookup. Google explicitly states that the information collected as part of operating the Safe Browsing service "is only used to flag malicious activity and is never used anywhere else at Google" and that "Safe Browsing requests won't be associated with your Google Account". In addition, Firefox adds a few privacy protections:
  • Query string parameters are stripped from URLs we check as part of the download protection feature.
  • Cookies set by the Safe Browsing servers to protect the service from abuse are stored in a separate cookie jar so that they are not mixed with regular browsing/session cookies.
  • When requesting complete hashes for a 32-bit prefix, Firefox throws in a number of extra "noise" entries to obfuscate the original URL further.
On balance, we believe that most users will want to keep Safe Browsing enabled, but we also make it easy for users with particular needs to turn it off.

Learn More If you want to learn more about how Safe Browsing works in Firefox, you can find all of the technical details on the Safe Browsing and Application Reputation pages of the Mozilla wiki or you can ask questions on our mailing list. Google provides some interesting statistics about what their systems detect in their transparency report and offers a tool to find out why a particular page has been blocked. Some information on how phishing sites are detected is also available on the Google Security blog, but for more detailed information about all parts of the Safe Browsing system, see the following papers:

13 March 2016

Vincent Sanders: I changed my mind, Erase and rewind

My recent rack design turned out to simply not be practical. It did not hold all the SBC I needed it to and most troubling accessing connectors was impractical. I was forced to remove the enclosure from the rack and go back to piles of SBC on a shelf.

View of the acrylic being laser cut through the heavily tinted window
This sent me back to the beginning of the design process. The requirement for easy access to connectors had been compromised on in my first solution because I wanted a compact 1U size. This time I returned to my initial toast rack layout but retaining the SBC inside their clip cases.

By facing the connectors downwards and providing basic cable management the design should be much more practical.

My design process is to use the QCAD package to create layered 2D outlines which are then converted from DXF into toolpaths with Lasercut CAM software. The toolpaths are then uploaded to the laser cutter directly from the PC running Lasercut.

Assembled sub rack enclosureDespite the laser cutters being professional grade systems the Lasercut software is a continuous cause of issues for many users, it is the only closed source piece of software in the production process and it has a pretty poor user interface. On this occasion my main issue with it was my design was quite large at 700mm by 400mm which caused the software to crash repeatedly. I broke the design down into two halves and this allowed me to continue.

Once I defeated the software the design was laser cut from 3mm clear extruded acrylic. The assembled is secured with 72 off M3 nuts and bolts. The resulting construction is very strong and probably contains much more material than necessary.

One interesting thing I discovered is that in going from a 1U enclosure holding 5 units to a 2U design holding 11 units I had increased the final weight from 320g to 980g and when all 11 SBC are installed that goes up to a whopping 2300g. Fortunately this is within the mechanical capabilities of the material but it is the heaviest thing I have ever constructed from 3mm acrylic.

bolted into the rack and operatingOnce installed in the rack with all SBC inserted and connected this finally actually works and provides a practical solution. The self is finally clear of SBC and has enough space for all the other systems I need to accommodate for various projects.

As usual the design files are all freely available though I really cannot see anyone else needing to replicate this.

29 February 2016

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in February 2016

Here is my monthly update covering a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):
  • Updated a hosted script to easily test and build Debian packages on the Travis CI continuous integration platform to support:
    • Automatic bumping of the version number in debian/changelog based on TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER. (#14)
    • Security repositories. Thanks to Stefan Jenkner for the initial pull request. These are additionally now enabled by default. (#15)
    • The backports repositories. (#13)
  • Applied #812830 and #812830 from James Clark to the Debian Archive Kit to improve the interface of various webpages it generates.
  • Updated the SSL certificate for, a hosted version of the diffoscope in-depth and content-aware diff utility. Thanks to Bytemark for sponsoring the hardware.
  • Worked on my slides for Reproducible Builds - fulfilling the original promise of free software, to be presented at FOSSASIA '16.
My work in the Reproducible Builds project was also covered in more depth in Lunar's weekly reports (#40, #41, #42, #43)

This month I have been paid to work 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • "Frontdesk" duty for the week of 22nd 28th, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Proofread announcements, etc. for the upcoming migration to wheezy-lts.
  • Issued DLA 417-1 for xdelta3 to fix a buffer overflow that allowed arbitrary code execution from input files.
  • Issued DLA 420-1 for libmatroska, correcting a heap information leak.
  • Issued DLA 428-1 for websvn fixing a cross-site scripting vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 429-1 for pixman fixing a buffer overflow issue.
  • Issued DLA 430-1 & DLA 431-1 for libfcgi and libfcgi-perl respectfully, fixing a remote denial-of-service (DoS) vulnerability.

  • redis (2:3.0.7-2) Correcting my SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH reproducibility patch as the conditional was accidentally inverted. Thanks to Reiner Herrmann (deki).
  • disque (1.0~rc1-5) Making the parallel SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH patch change and additionally tidying the packaging after introducing procps as a build-dependency.

RC bugs

I also filed 137 FTBFS bugs against aac-tactics, angular.js, astyle, bcftools, blacs-mpi, bogofilter, boxes, caldav-tester, ccdproc, ckeditor, coq-float, cqrlog, dasher, django-recurrence, dspdfviewer, eclipse-egit, ess, etcd, felix-latin, fio, flexml, funny-manpages, gap-atlasrep, garmin-plugin, gitlab, gnome-mines, graphicsmagick, haskell-nettle, healpy, hg-git, hunspell, hwloc, ijs, ipset, janest-core-extended, jpathwatch, kcompletion, kcompletion, keyrings.alt, kodi-pvr-hts, kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi, libcommons-compress-java, libgnome2-wnck-perl, libkate, liblrdf, libm4ri, libnet-server-mail-perl, libsis-jhdf5-java, libspectre, libteam, libwnck, libwnckmm, libxkbcommon, lombok, lombok-patcher, mako, maven-dependency-analyzer, mopidy-mpris, mricron, multcomp, netty-3.9, numexpr, ocaml-textutils, openimageio, openttd-openmsx, osmcoastline, osmium-tool, php-guzzle, php-net-smartirc, plexus-component-metadata, polari, profitbricks-client, pyentropy, pynn, pyorbital, pypuppetdb, python-aioeventlet, python-certifi, python-hglib, python-kdcproxy, python-matplotlib-venn, python-mne, python-mpop, python-multipletau, python-pbh5tools, python-positional, python-pydot-ng, python-pysam, python-snuggs, python-tasklib, r-cran-arm, r-cran-httpuv, r-cran-tm, rjava, ros-geometry-experimental, ros-image-common, ros-pluginlib, ros-ros-comm, rows, rr, ruby-albino, ruby-awesome-print, ruby-default-value-for, ruby-fast-gettext, ruby-github-linguist, ruby-gruff, ruby-hipchat, ruby-omniauth-crowd, ruby-packetfu, ruby-termios, ruby-thinking-sphinx, ruby-tinder, ruby-versionomy, ruby-zentest, sbsigntool, scikit-learn, scolasync, sdl-image1.2, signon-ui, sisu-guice, sofa-framework, spykeutils, ssreflect, sunpy, tomcat-maven-plugin, topmenu-gtk, trocla, trocla, tzdata, verbiste, wcsaxes, whitedune, wikidiff2, wmaker, xmlbeans, xserver-xorg-input-aiptek & zeroc-icee-java.

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 107 packages: androguard, android-platform-dalvik, android-platform-development, android-platform-frameworks-base, android-platform-frameworks-native, android-platform-libnativehelper, android-platform-system-core, android-platform-system-extras, android-platform-tools-base, android-sdk-meta, apktool, armci-mpi, assertj-core, bart, bind9, caja, caldav-tester, clamav, class.js, diamond, diffoscope, django-webpack-loader, djangocms-admin-style, dnsvi, esptool, fuel-astute, gcc-6-cross, gcc-6-cross-ports, gdal, giella-core, gnupg, golang-github-go-ini-ini, golang-github-tarm-serial, gplaycli, gradle-jflex-plugin, haskell-mountpoints, haskell-simple, hurd, iceweasel, insubstantial, intellij-annotations, jetty9, juce, keyrings.alt, leptonlib, libclamunrar, libdate-pregnancy-perl, libgpg-error, libhtml5parser-java, libica, libvoikko, linux, llvm-toolchain-3.8, lombok-patcher, mate-dock-applet, mate-polkit, mono-reference-assemblies, mxt-app, node-abab, node-array-equal, node-array-flatten, node-array-unique, node-bufferjs, node-cors, node-deep-extend, node-original, node-setimmediate, node-simplesmtp, node-uglify-save-license, node-unpipe, oar, openjdk-8, openjdk-9, pg8000, phantomjs, php-defaults, php-random-compat, php-symfony-polyfill, pnetcdf, postgresql-debversion, pulseaudio-dlna, pyconfigure, pyomo, pysatellites, python-fuelclient, python-m3u8, python-pbh5tools, python-qtpy, python-shellescape, python-tunigo, pyutilib, qhull, r-cran-rjsonio, r-cran-tm, reapr, ruby-fog-dynect, scummvm-tools, symfony, talloc, tesseract, twextpy, unattended-upgrades, uwsgi, vim-command-t, win-iconv, xkcdpass & xserver-xorg-video-ast. I additionally REJECTed 4 packages.

14 February 2016

Elena 'valhalla' Grandi: Happy #ilovefs

Happy #ilovefs

Happy I love Free Software Day!


My life has been full of Free Software for more than 15 years and listing all the software and projects I've used or interacted with would take a long post (and I would be sure to forget someone), so if you are reading this and are involved in Free Software: thank you! I may have used your work in the past, I may be using it some time in the future, or I may never use it personally, but you are making the world I live in a better place anyway.

Special thanks go to the local LUGs, where I've met my SO and to the @Debian project, where I've met a few people I can call friends.

@LIFO @Gruppo Linux Como #ilovefs

31 January 2016

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in January 2016

Here is my monthly update covering a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):
  • Had a talk proposal accepted (Reproducible Builds - fulfilling the original promise of free software) at FOSSASIA 16.
My work in the Reproducible Builds project was also covered in more depth in Lunar's weekly reports (#35, #36, #37, #38, #39)

This month I have been paid to work 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • Sevend days of "frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Issued DLA 386-1 for cacti to patch an SQL injection vulnerability.
  • Issued DLA 388-1 for dwarfutils fixing a NULL deference issue.
  • Issued DLA 391-1 for prosody correcting the use of a weak pseudo-random number generator.
  • Issued DLA 404-1 for nginx to prevent against an invalid pointer deference.

  • redis (2:3.0.7-1) New upstream stable release, also ensure that test processes are cleaned up and replacing an existing reproducibility patch with a SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH solution.
  • python-django (1.9.1-1) New upstream release.
  • disque (1.0~rc1-4) Make the build reproducible via SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH, ensure that test processes are cleaned up and that the nocheck flag is correctly honoured.
  • gunicorn (19.4.5-1) New upstream release.
  • redis (2:3.2~rc3-1) New upstream RC release (to experimental).

RC bugs

I also filed 100 FTBFS bugs against apache-log4j2, awscli, binutils, brian, ccbuild, coala, commons-beanutils, commons-vfs, composer, cyrus-sasl2, debiandoc-sgml-doc-pt-br, dfvfs, dillo, django-compat, dulwich, git-annex, grpc, hdf-eos5, hovercraft, ideviceinstaller, ircp-tray, isomd5sum, javamail, jhdf, jsonpickle, kivy, klog, libcloud, libcommons-jexl2-java, libdata-objectdriver-perl, libdbd-sqlite3-perl, libpam-krb5, libproc-waitstat-perl, libslf4j-java, libvmime, linuxdcpp, lsh-utils, mailutils, mdp, menulibre, mercurial, mimeo, molds, mugshot, nose, obex-data-server, obexfs, obexftp, orafce, p4vasp, pa-test, pgespresso, pgpool2, pgsql-asn1oid, php-doctrine-cache-bundle, php-net-ldap2, plv8, pngtools, postgresql-mysql-fdw, pyfftw, pylint-common, pylint-django, pylint-django, python-ase, python-axiom, python-biopython, python-dcos, python-falcon, python-instagram, python-markdown, python-pysam, python-requests-toolbelt, python-ruffus, pytsk, pyviennacl, ros-class-loader, ros-ros-comm, ros-roscpp-core, roxterm, ruby-celluloid-extras, ruby-celluloid-fsm, ruby-celluloid-supervision, ruby-eye, ruby-net-scp, ruby-net-ssh, ruby-sidekiq, ruby-sidekiq-cron, ruby-sinatra-contrib, seaview, smc, spatial4j-0.4, swift-plugin-s3, tilecache, typecatcher, ucommon, undertaker, urdfdom, ussp-push, xserver-xorg-video-intel & yt.

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 201 packages: abi-tracker, android-platform-build, android-platform-frameworks-native, android-platform-libcore, android-platform-system-core, animate.css, apitrace, argon2, autosize.js, bagel, betamax, bittorrent, bls-standalone, btfs, caja-dropbox, cegui-mk2, complexity, corebird, courier-authlib, cpopen, ctop, dh-haskell, django-python3-ldap, e2fsprogs1.41, emacs-async, epl, fast5, fastkml, flask-restful, flask-silk, gcc-6, gitlab, golang-github-kolo-xmlrpc, golang-github-kr-fs, golang-github-pkg-sftp, golang-github-prometheus-common, google-auth-library-php, h5py, haskell-aeson-compat, haskell-userid, heroes, hugo, ioprocess, iptables, ivy-debian-helper, ivyplusplus, jquery-timer.js, klaus, kpatch, lazarus, libatteanx-store-sparql-perl, libbrowserlauncher-java, libcgi-test-perl, libdata-sah-normalize-perl, libfsntfs, libjs-fuzzaldrin-plus, libjung-free-java, libmongoc, libmygpo-qt, libnet-nessus-rest-perl, liborcus, libperinci-sub-util-propertymodule-perl, libpodofo, librep, libsodium, libx11-xcb-perl, linux, linux-grsec-base, list.js, lombok, lua-mediator, luajit, maven-script-interpreter, midicsv, mimeo, miniasm, mlpack, mom, mosquitto-auth-plugin, moxie.js, msgpuck, nanopolish, neovim, netcdf, network-manager-applet, network-manager-ssh, node-esprima-fb, node-mocks-http, node-schlock, nomacs, ns3, openalpr, openimageio, openmpi, openms, orafce, pbsim, pd-iemutils, pd-nusmuk, pd-puremapping, pd-purest-json, pg-partman, pg-rage-terminator, pgfincore, pgmemcache, pgsql-asn1oid, php-defaults, php-jwt, php-mf2, php-redis, pkg-info-el, plr, pnmixer, postgresql-multicorn, postgresql-mysql-fdw, powa-archivist, previsat, pylint-flask, pyotherside, python-caldav, python-cookies, python-dcos, python-flaky, python-flickrapi, python-frozendict, python-genty, python-git, python-greenlet, python-instagram, python-ironic-inspector-client, python-manilaclient, python-neutronclient, python-openstackclient, python-openstackdocstheme, python-prometheus-client, python-pymzml, python-pysolr, python-reno, python-requests-toolbelt, python-scales, python-socketio-client, qdox2, qgis, r-cran-biasedurn, rebar.js, repmgr, rfcdiff, rhythmbox-plugin-alternative-toolbar, ripe-atlas-cousteau, ripe-atlas-sagan, ripe-atlas-tools, ros-image-common, ruby-acts-as-list, ruby-allocations, ruby-appraiser, ruby-appraiser-reek, ruby-appraiser-rubocop, ruby-babosa, ruby-combustion, ruby-did-you-mean, ruby-fixwhich, ruby-fog-xenserver, ruby-hamster, ruby-jeweler, ruby-mime-types-data, ruby-monkey-lib, ruby-net-telnet, ruby-omniauth-azure-oauth2, ruby-omniauth-cas3, ruby-puppet-forge, ruby-racc, ruby-reek, ruby-rubinius-debugger, ruby-rubysl, ruby-rubysl-test-unit, ruby-sidekiq-cron, ruby-threach, ruby-wavefile, ruby-websocket-driver, ruby-xmlhash, rustc, s-nail, scrm, select2.js, senlin, skytools3, slurm-llnl, sphinx-argparse, sptk, sunpy, swauth, swift, tdiary, three.js, tiny-initramfs, tlsh, ublock-origin, vagrant-cachier, xapian-core, xmltooling, & yp-tools. I additionally REJECTed 29 packages.

30 January 2016

Dimitri John Ledkov: Four gunmen outside

There are four gunmen outside of my hotel. They are armed with automatic rifles and pistols. I am scared for my life having sneaked past them inside. Everyone else is acting as if everything is normal. Nobody is scared or running for cover. Nobody called the police. I've asked the reception to talk to the gunmen and ask them to leave. They looked at me as if I am mad. Maybe I am. Is this what shizophrenia feels like?! Can you see them on the picture?! Please help. There are four gunmen outside of my hotel. I am not in central Beirut, I am in central Brussels.

14 January 2016

Vincent Sanders: Ampere was the Newton of Electricity.

I think Maxwell was probably right, certainly the unit of current Ampere gives his name to has been a concern of mine recently.

Regular readers may have possibly noticed my unhealthy obsession with single board computers. I have recently rehomed all the systems into my rack which threw up a small issue of powering them all. I had been using an ad-hoc selection of USB wall warts and adapters but this ended up needing nine mains sockets and short of purchasing a very expensive PDU for the rack would have needed a lot of space.

Additionally having nine separate convertors from mains AC to low voltage DC was consuming over 60Watts for 20W of load! The majority of these supplies were simply delivering 5V either via micro USB or DC barrel jack.

Initially I considered using a ten port powered USB hub but this seemed expensive as I was not going to use the data connections, it also had a limit of 5W per port and some of my systems could potentially use more power than that so I decided to build my own supply.

PSU module from ebay
A quick look on ebay revealed that a 150W (30A at 5V) switching supply could be had from a UK vendor for 9.99 which seemed about right. An enclosure, fused and switched IEC inlet, ammeter/voltmeter with shunt and suitable cables were acquired for another 15

Top view of the supply all wired up
A little careful drilling and cutting of the enclosure made openings for the inlets, cables and display. These were then wired together with crimped and insulated spade and ring connectors. I wanted this build to be safe and reliable so care was taken to get the neatest layout I could manage with good separation between the low and high voltage cabling.

Completed supply with all twelve outputs wired up
The result is a neat supply with twelve outputs which i can easily extend to eighteen if needed. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that even with twelve SBC connected generating 20W load the power drawn by the supply was 25W or about 80% efficiency instead of the 33% previously achieved.

The inbuilt meter allows me to easily see the load on the supply which so far has not risen above 5A even at peak draw, despite the cubitruck and BananaPi having spinning rust hard drives attached, so there is plenty of room for my SBC addiction to grow (I already pledged for a Pine64).

Supply installed in the rack with some of the SBC connected
Overall I am pleased with how this turned out and while there are no detailed design files for this project it should be easy to follow if you want to repeat it. One note of caution though, this project has mains wiring and while I am confident in my own capabilities dealing with potentially lethal voltages I cannot be responsible for anyone else so caveat emptor!

3 December 2015

Arturo Borrero Gonz lez: current status of HA stack on Debian

Let's analyse the current status of the HA (high availability) stack on Debian.

For me, the two most important packages are corosync and pacemaker.
It is widely known that Debian jessie was released without these two packages in shape.

But, why?
Problem 1One of the main problems was with the relationship between pacemaker and libqb.
In short, a libqb issue prevented pacemaker to be built for Debian jessie. And that wasn't fixed in time for the Debian jessie stable release.
You can read the Debian bug #768618 [pacemaker: FTBFS in jessie: build-dependency not installable: libqb-dev (>= 0.16.0.real)] to know a bit more about the issue.
Problem 2
While at it, the corosync package was in very bad shape.
To get an idea of what I mean for bad shape, just look at the size of the changelog of the first try to fix the package, almost 90 lines long.
Problem 3
Perhaps the most important problem: the Debian team behind the HA stack seems inactive.

This was sent by one of the members, 19 Jan 2015:
I wonder if there are any active members of the Debian linux-ha team.

So, there is clearly lack of manpower, lack of interest in maintaining the stack.
I'm sure the first 2 problems could have been resolved in time if the Debian team were active.
It's Debian! How is this possible!?I have asked that myself several times. Debian is a community and collaborative project. This means that the quality of the product (the OS itself) is directly related to the amount of effort spent on it (by people that in most cases aren't being paid for the task).
I believe that in such specific pieces of software, we require a bit more push from companies which are using it for their own benefit as well.

Also, perhaps the Debian QA team may step in and do something about the situation, let's say simply distributing a big REQUEST FOR HELP alert in all official Debian channels.
So, what if I need to run now corosync+pacemaker in Debian?
I'm sorry, you should stick to Debian wheezy :-(

Fortunately, the versions shipped in Debian wheezy are fine. Unfortunately, Debian wheezy contains lots of old software (such as the kernel).
What should I expect for Debian stretch?
Well, some good news: corosync and libqb have been already fixed and they look good.
The pacemaker package is still lacking the needed updates, but there are some people [slowly] working on it.
I myself have contributed a bit: tested some related packages, opened some bugs, and so on. See #801853 and #801870 for instance.

Note that the development status is not easy to follow. Among other things, the 'official' git packaging repos aren't being used.

From the user/sysadmin point of view, any important news will be reflected in the Debian package trackers. Here are links to both:
(BTW the new Debian tracker: what a nice tool)
I want to contribute!By now, I recommend you to head to the Debian IRC channel #debian-ha

23 November 2015

Riku Voipio: Using ser2net for serial access.

Is your table a mess of wires? Do you have multiple devices connected via serial and can't remember which is /dev/ttyUSBX is connected to what board? Unless you are a embedded developer, you are unlikely to deal with serial much anymore - In that case you can just jump to the next post in your news feed. Introducting ser2netUsually people start with minicom for serial access. There are better tools - picocom, screen, etc. But to easily map multiple serial ports, use ser2net. Ser2net makes serial ports available over telnet. Persistent usb device names and ser2netTo remember which usb-serial adapter is connected to what, we use the /dev/serial tree created by udev, in /etc/ser2net.conf:

# arndale
7004:telnet:0:'/dev/serial/by-path/pci-0000:00:1d.0-usb-0:1.8.1:1.0-port0':115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT
# cubox
7005:telnet:0:/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prolific_Technology_Inc._USB-Serial_Controller_D-if00-port0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT
# sonic-screwdriver
7006:telnet:0:/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT230X_96Boards_Console_DAZ0KA02-if00-port0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT
The by-path syntax is needed, if you have many identical usb-to-serial adapters. In that case a Patch from BTS is needed to support quoting in serial path. Ser2net doesn't seems very actively maintained upstream - a sure sign that project is stagnant is a homepage still at This patch among other interesting features can be also be found in various ser2net forks in github. Setting easy to remember names Finally, unless you want to memorize the port numbers, set TCP port to name mappings in /etc/services:

# Local services
arndale 7004/tcp
cubox 7005/tcp
sonic-screwdriver 7006/tcp
Now finally:
telnet localhost sonic-screwdriver
^Mandatory picture of serial port connection in action

26 October 2015

Russ Allbery: Review: Hawk

Review: Hawk, by Steven Brust
Series: Vlad Taltos #14
Publisher: Tor
Copyright: October 2014
ISBN: 0-7653-2444-X
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 320
This is the fourteenth book in the Vlad Taltos series (not counting the various associated books and other series), builds directly on the long-term plot arc of the series (finally!), and is deeply entangled with Vlad's friends and former life as a Jhereg boss. As you might imagine from that introduction, this is absolutely not the place to start with this series. For the past few books, Brust has been following a pattern of advancing the series plot in one book and then taking the next book to fill in past history or tell some side story. That means, following Tiassa, we were due some series advancement, and that's exactly what we get. We also, finally, get some more details about Lady Teldra. Nothing all that revelatory, but certainly intriguing, and more than just additional questions (at last). When Brust finally takes this gun off the wall and fires it, the resulting bits of world-building might be even better than Issola. At its heart, though, Hawk is a caper novel. If you're like me, you're thinking "it's about time." I think this is the sort of story Brust excels at, particularly with Vlad as his protagonist. Even better, unlike some of the other multi-part novels, this is a book-length caper focused on a very important goal, and with the potential to get rid of some annoyances in Vlad's life that have lingered for rather too long. We see many of Vlad's Dragaeran friends, but (apart from Daymar) mostly in glimpses. This is Vlad's book, with heavy helpings of Loiosh. The caper is also a nicely twisty one, involving everything from different types of magic to the inner workings of the Jhereg organization. As is typical for Vlad's schemes, there are several false fronts and fake goals, numerous unexpected twists, and a rather fun guest appearance. Oh, and lots and lots of snark, of course. I think my favorite part of the book was the interaction between Vlad and Kragar, which added a lot of emotional depth both to this story and to some of the previous stories of Vlad's life as a Jhereg. And I'm hoping that where Brust leaves things at the end of this book implies a Vlad who is more free to act, to see his friends, and to get entangled in Imperial politics, since I think that leads to the best stories. Of course, if Brust holds to pattern, the next book will be backfill or side stories and we'll have to wait longer for a continuation of the main story. As much as I like those side stories, I'm hoping Brust will break pattern. I'm increasingly eager to see where this story will go. The all-too-brief interaction with Sethra in this book promises so much for the future. If you like the Vlad Taltos books overall, you'll probably like this one. It's a return to the old scheming Vlad, but tempered by more experience and different stakes. There's a bit of lore, a bit of world-building, and a lot of Vlad being tricky. This series is still going strong fourteen books in. Rating: 8 out of 10

15 October 2015

Laura Arjona: Long summer story, Welcome team, and I am a Debian Developer now

Note: 2015/10/16: I need to add some links but I won t delay this more, posting now, will edit later. Summer ended long time ago, but believe me, I m still catching up with all the things that I began in June/July, all the things I left in August when I went holidays, and more things that appeared in August and September. This is a long overdue post, I hope you bear with me for waiting so long, and writing (now) so long too! June In June, I was 100% sure that I would not attend DebConf15 (well, I was 98% sure until then), and when the new Outreach Sponsorship grants were announced, I decided to write some mails to several Debian contributors, so they consider applying for the grant and attend DebConf (and maybe trigger some i18n/l10n meeting ). They kindly declined, and I understood their reasons, but also wondered what would have happened if the proposal would have come from somebody more official instead of a random contributor that they don t know. I also hoped that lots of other Debianites also write to newbies or not-yet-DD-contributors or non-packaging contributors to invite them to DebConf, and I hoped that they had better luck than me in convincing them :) July In July I usually work hard preparing the computer labs for next academic year at my workplace in the University, but I also have more free time in the long afternoons and evenings, since I don t sleep much, and there is not much to do outside with the summer hot. So I used that month to go on contributing to DebConf publicity and think a bit more about Debian and the other free software communities. I didn t put much time in advancing my selfhosting (no SSL yet in *! booooo!) but I decided to deep my toe in, and try to selfhost an instance ( ) and try Etherpad inside Sandstorm (since I failed in deploying Etherpad by myself in my jessie+nginx+postgres box). Sandstorm worked, and Etherpad was packaged in Sandstorm so it worked too; and I have my free-software-base pads now for writing and share. So I joined #sandstorm IRC channel since then, and there I learnt that Asheesh Laroia (who works in and is also a Debian Developer and was going to give a talk about in DebConf15) was offering mentorship for people wanting to learn Sandstorm packaging, and his proposal was to begin packaging Framadate. I also failed in selfhosting Dudle (prepared for Apache + FastCGI, couldn t make it work in my Nginx), so Asheesh s proposal looked suitable for me. We talked and decided to invest the rest of July and first days of August in learning to package Framadate. I learned a lot, but couldn t finish the task. I encountered many issues (setting my dev environment, and later trying to package), and we solved some of them but my time ran out. I posted my work in the list, and I hope that my feedback on the documentation and the issues I encountered helped Asheesh and the Sandstorm community. Framadate is packaged in now, Drew Fisher packaged it, not sure if my stuff was useful or not (it s been useful for me, for learning, at least). I ll talk more about in a future blog post updating on my selfhosting adventures. What I liked most was the kind of proposal of mentoring that Asheesh made. It was very detailed in every aspect: the task, the things you need to accomplish it, details about his availability for mentorship I try to be welcoming in the teams in which I participate, but the fact is that I fail in actually mentor, maybe because of not making specific proposals to people (until now, I was like Hi, newcomer! Go read this, this and this, and try for yourself any task you feel you like it, and come back if you have issues , la Debian ). This, plus the thoughts about my mails in June for diversity outreach in DebConf, made me feel the need of having a team where people willing to welcome newcomers share tricks and procedures, write together more specific proposals, and follow up the newcomers experiences in a regular way. I talked with Enrico Zini and we wrote down some notes for a Welcome Team in Debian; he said he would spread the word during DebCamp/DebConf and we would see what people thinks about it. August August came, and the day before going on holidays I was really tired: too much luggage to prepare, too many hours in front of the computer, and the usual stress of traveling; and I took the bad decision of signing some GPG keys of several Debianites that I met in July. I say bad decision because the lack of sleep showed its black magic and I accidentally deleted my secring.gpg file. I knew I had a backup but I didn t have too much time to invest and I didn t want to mess it with the backup too, and my laptop was going to stay at home, powered off, during the whole month, so I just went on holidays and left the GPG issue for later. The day after, meanwhile I was waiting in the airport for my boarding time, I received a mail accepting me as Debian Developer. Wow!! Really, I was not expecting that the process was already finished, I had interchanged several mails with my Application Manager (who happens to be the current DPL!) and I thought that his summer could be quite packed of Debian/DebConf work and my process could wait a bit. So it was a very happy news and very motivating after one month (July) full of free software work. On the other side, I was a bit scared: what type of Debian Developer are you, larjona, not capable to sign some GPG keys without breaking your setup?! but I answered myself well, I m the type of Debian Developer that has backups :) and then, with that mixed feelings of excitement and impostor syndrome, I took my plane and went on holidays, not expecting to touch any computer until the end of the month. August is probably the month in the year when I have more free time (holidays), but less time to dedicate to free software. I devote most of the month to visit family and stay with them, with no internet connection available or no free time to look at the mailbox or social networks or IRC But DebCamp and DebConf15 were happening during my holidays. And this DebConf15 was the first one in which I participated in the organization, and the first one in which I felt more than being a consumer of Debian videos . I could not follow the streamings, my only internet-capable device was my Android 2.x phone, but when I had wifi I fetched the mail, and during the nights, while everybody else was sleeping and I was laying on the terrace, below the sky full of stars, I could read batches of hundred of mails from debconf-discuss mailing list. And I could get some feeling from DebConf life, because I learned about the ad-hoc BoFs and discussions, the morning bike rides and swimming proposals, and the dancing classes, the i18m/l10n meeting, and many other things. I could answer some mail from time to time, and I also knew that a fellow Debianite from Madrid was going to bring me some stickers, maybe a t-shirt, and shake hands in my name to some persons. September and October September was about finishing reading all the mails and try to answer the pending ones, and preparing my computer to use my new Debian identity (and stop using larjona-guest). I still have some things to do, pending technical work, and some mails that I should have answered and I ve forgotten, for sure (if you sent me a mail that needs answer or would be fine that I answer (even if it was months ago!), please resend or ping me). I recovered my secring.gpg but and just now I added to the ID in my GPG key, but didn t signed the pending keys again (sorry dkg and holger! will catch up there soon). My subkeys expired and I m trying to find out how to proceed (they are in my FSFE SmartCard) :/ About the Debian teams, I ve resumed my work in publicity team (this year I ll try to be more involved, in Debian Project News in particular), partially in the website team, and recently I ve finished catching up with the Spanish translation of the website. I ve also joined the DebConf team again (for DebConf16, no matter I probably won t attend) and documented the Publicity task for DebConf, and I try to engage the mailing list and the IRC meetings. I finally could have time to watch some DebConf15 videos and Andreas Tille s talk ( Creating a more inviting environment for newcomers New experiences from MoM, SoB, Teammetrics ) helped me to step ahead in welcoming people with more useful stuff than Hi, newcomer! Go read this (general URLs), try for yourself whatever you like . I have made specific proposals for two people. In mid September I accepted an interview about Debian for a podcast with quite a lot audience (in Spanish), in which I explained the idea of the Welcome Team and offered myself as first-contact. Since then, two more people have contacted me and I have offered specific tasks I think are suitable for them. I also try to be more available in the IRC and offer some time spans for new contributors to DebConf to explain the git setup, the wiki, and all this stuff that looks more complicated than what it is. And I think that s all. My Debianite friend kindly brought me some stickers and a DebConf t-shirt, plus the organization t-shirt that the team gave me as present for my contributions in DebConf15. Neil McGovern kindly sent me a certificate of my new Debian Developer status (thanks!!), and it s posted in my wall at work. Here you are a photo! larjona_dd.JPG (Note: my wall is full of stickers and pieces of papers with things I need, things I like and things I use to explain my work (sometimes sarcastically/ironically ). Maybe some day I ll make a blog post about that!) I feel very proud and happy. Still, a lot of things to learn and work to do, but my intentions are: to keep on progressing (sometimes fast, sometimes slowly), never give up, and enjoy the multiple flowers I find in my way :) Thanks everybody! October and future Some other ideas/plans for the future (the ones I didn t say yet): Comments? If you want to comment you can use this thread.
Filed under: My experiences and opinion, News Tagged: Communities, Contributing to libre software, Debian, Developer motivations, encryption, English, Free Software, gpg, libre software

4 October 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 23 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Andreas Metzler uploaded autogen/1:5.18.6-1 in experimental with several patches for reproducibility issues written by Valentin Lorentz. Groovy upstream has merged a change proposed by Emmanuel Bourg to remove timestamps generated by groovydoc. Ben Hutchings submitted a patch to add support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in linux-kbuild as an alternate way to specify the build timestamp. Reiner Herrman has sent a patch adding support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in docbook-utils. Packages fixed The following packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: commons-csv. fest-reflect, sunxi-tools, xfce4-terminal, The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: Tomasz Rybak uploaded pycuda/2015.1.3-1 which should fix reproducibility issues. The package has not been tested as it is in contrib. akira found an embedded code copy of texi2html in fftw. Email notifications are now only sent once a day per package, instead of on each status change. (h01ger) disorderfs has been temporarily disabled to see if it had any impact on the disk space issues. (h01ger) When running out of disk space, build nodes will now automatically detect the problem. This means test results will not be recorded as FTBFS and the problem will be reported to Jenkins maintainers. (h01ger) The navigation menu of package pages has been improved. (h01ger) The two amd64 builders now use two different kernel versions: 3.16 from stable and 4.1 from backports on the other. (h01ger) We now graph the number of packages which needs to be fixed. (h01ger) Munin now creates graphs on how many builds were performed by build nodes (example). (h01ger) A migration plan has been agreed with DSA on how to turn Jenkins into an official Debian service. A backport of jenkins-job-builder for Jessie is currently missing. (h01ger) Package reviews 119 reviews have been removed, 103 added and 45 updated this week. 16 fail to build from source issues were reported by Chris Lamb and Mattia Rizzolo. New issue this week: timestamps_in_manpages_generated_by_docbook_utils. Misc. Allan McRae has submitted a patch to make ArchLinux pacman record a .BUILDINFO file.

18 August 2015

Aigars Mahinovs: Debconf 15 group photo

The long awaited group photo from Debconf15 is now available: here and here. Due to its spectacular glory, the Google Photos could not handle the massive 52 Mb, and 19283*8740=168.5Mpix of awesomness, so there is only a half-size version. Also I plan to have a lightning talk on Thursday on how exactly such things are made :)

